Overtime Pay
Overtime Pay: Who is Supposed to Get It? The provisions for overtime pay in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is summarized in just a few words by the U.S. Department of Labor: “An employer who requires or permits an employee to work overtime is...
History of the Minimum Wage Law
1896 The first form of minimum wage law was introduced in 1896, but instead of requiring employers to pay at least a guaranteed minimum wage amount, the law in its infancy only set up arbitration boards to prevent labor strikes.  Australia, New Zealand, the United...
New York State Labor Laws
Back to New York State Labor Laws New York State Labor Laws The State of New York is serious about protecting its workers and making sure that they receive payment for all the work they do through the New York state labor laws. The many...
California Labor Law
California Labor Law Confuses Employers & Employees “In California, the general overtime provisions are that a nonexempt employee 18 years of age or older, or any minor employee 16 or 17 years of age who is not required by law to attend school and is...
FLSA Overtime Rules
In spite of the FLSA Overtime rules, each year employees are cheated out of their overtime pay by their employers. While some companies may unknowingly keep from paying an employee the overtime pay that they are due some companies intentionally do not pay their employees the...
Virginia Labor Laws
Virginia employees may not be protected from overtime violations by Virginia labor laws per se, but they are far from unprotected. Eligible or non-exempt workers are protected by the Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) laws which protect every U. S. worker. That begs the question,...
Mandatory Overtime Laws
Can My Employer Force Me to Work Overtime? Mandatory overtime laws are not covered in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) which was enacted to provide standards for minimum wage and overtime pay. Mandatory overtime laws and regulations do, however, exist in some states to...
Virginia Labor Laws
Virginia Labor Laws are, in fact, the same as those under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Like many other states, Virginia labor laws do not regulate or define benefits packages, vacation days, rest breaks or meal periods. Furthermore there are no restrictions on...
Overtime Law Firm
An overtime law firm represents those individuals who have been denied “fair pay” as defined by federal and state wage and hour laws. Wage and hour laws are complicated and fluctuate from state to state which is one reason many employers are not paying their...
Fair Labor Act
The Changing Face of the American Workplace: Should You Be Getting Overtime Pay? Though the concept of protecting the American worker’s right to be paid for all work accomplished on behalf of an employer by way of the Fair Labor Act is fairly simple, the...
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