Can a Company Refuse to Reimburse Expenses?
In California, expense reimbursement claims have brought several abusive policies to light, particularly as they relate to employees who earn less than twice the minimum wage. These employment law violations seem to become more frequent when economic downturns have everyone working hard to save money--employees...
Another settlement has been reached that puts unpaid overtime wages back in the pockets of restaurant workers. Enforcement activity on behalf of food service workers has been significantly increased in recent years due to the widespread noncompliance with the federal minimum wage, overtime and record-keeping...
History of the Minimum Wage Law
1896 The first form of minimum wage law was introduced in 1896, but instead of requiring employers to pay at least a guaranteed minimum wage amount, the law in its infancy only set up arbitration boards to prevent labor strikes.  Australia, New Zealand, the United...
New York State Labor Laws
Back to New York State Labor Laws New York State Labor Laws The State of New York is serious about protecting its workers and making sure that they receive payment for all the work they do through the New York state labor laws. The many...
New York Wage
Although the State of New York wages are covered under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA overtime), the New York legislature has passed even more stringent laws to protect workers there.  Nearly all aspects of wages earned in New York are protected under state...
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