FLSA Overtime Law

The Evolving Workplace: Exempt and Non-Exempt Employees

When Congress updated the FLSA overtime law (Fair Labor Standards Act) in 1994, they did so with an eye to updating the changing face of the American employment landscape. Advancing technology has not only simplified the average Americans life in...

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California Exempt Employees

What is a California Exempt Employee? California exempt employees are workers who meet California’s strict requirements for exempt employees, which means that they are not eligible for overtime pay under either the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) or under California legislation. Because California’s labor laws are among the toughest in the nation, exempt...
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Overtime Lawsuit

A Change in your Job Duties May Change your Overtime Exemption Status An overtime lawsuit is often a class action suit in which a group of employees sue their employer for violations of federal and state overtime laws.  These kinds of lawsuits regarding overtime are occurring today more than any other time in...
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FLSA Overtime Rules

In spite of the FLSA Overtime rules, each year employees are cheated out of their overtime pay by their employers. While some companies may unknowingly keep from paying an employee the overtime pay that they are due some companies intentionally do not pay their employees the “time and half” pay that they are due for...

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Fair Labor Act

The Changing Face of the American Workplace: Should You Be Getting Overtime Pay? Though the concept of protecting the American worker’s right to be paid for all work accomplished on behalf of an employer by way of the Fair Labor Act is fairly simple, the implementation of such an ideal has proven to be complicated. Enacted...
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