About The Lore Law Firm

When you have an employment law issue, and your job and income are on the line, the first and most important thing you should do is talk to someone who actually knows the labor and employment laws and what is necessary to protect your rights. Typically, this does not include friends, co-workers, HR representatives or your boss. You need to speak with a lawyer, and not just any lawyer, but one that has significant experience handling complex employment law cases on behalf of workers and that has the knowledge, resources and team to take on even the largest companies, in any courthouse in the country.

Over 25 Years of Experience Representing All Types of Employment Claims

With over 25 years of experience representing workers nationwide in all types of employment-related claims, and recovering millions of dollars in back wages and damages for thousands of workers, we are the ones to talk to.

At The Lore Law Firm, we offer a fast, free, and completely confidential review of your situation and can help you answer the two key questions everyone has:

  1. Do I have a case against my employer?
  2. If I have a valid claim, what is my case worth?

If we are able to pursue a claim on your behalf, we work on a contingent fee basis – meaning we don’t get paid, unless we are successful in obtaining a recovery. Our interests are totally aligned with yours. Because we work on a contingent fee basis and only get compensated for our time and investment out of any recovery obtained, we must be very selective in the cases we take – undertaking representation only in those cases where we believe there is high probability of success for our client(s).

It can be difficult to find the right lawyer for your particular employment issue in your town or even state, so do not be afraid to contact firms that are in different cities or states. Particularly now, with almost every aspect of business (including law) being conducted remotely, where your lawyer’s office is located is far less important than making sure you have the right lawyer and law firm(s) working on your case. Because discrimination claims and overtime pay requirements are largely governed by federal law, it is not uncommon for lawyers to represent workers in cases filed in federal courts outside of the city or state in which the lawyers have their primary office. Along with our national network of co-counsel and local counsel, we have been successfully representing employees from coast to coast for decades.

Commitment to increasing awareness of workplace rights, or the lack thereof, is a part of our mission – we genuinely want to help workers to learn about and understand the labor laws that directly impact their work environment and compensation.

Our Commitment Begins From the Day We First Meet

Our commitment to our clients begins when they are potential clients – typically contacting us because they “just have a question” about their rights under the labor/employment laws and if the job issues they are experiencing are illegal. We know how stressful and upsetting workplace problems can be, so we start by listening and understanding. Then, we ask the critical questions and often request any available documents that will provide us with the basic information we need to perform a meaningful legal review of the situation. This process is completely confidential and free of charge.

We are here to support and empower workers who want their voices heard and are ready to step up and speak up to oppose illegal practices. With our team’s help, they are enabled to effectively confront employers who violate the labor laws – making them pay for past violations and deterring continuing and future mistreatment of employees. Our aim is to not only achieve monetary compensation for workers, but also to provide employees a meaningful degree of justice and closure.

Contact us for a free and confidential review of your situation.

Contact an Unpaid Wages Attorney
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We Offer Free Case Reviews

It all starts with a free and confidential case review. A personal case manager will quickly identify if you have a valid claim. If they determine it’s valid, you can rest easy knowing that you won’t pay us a dime unless we recover compensation for you. Our contingency basis is meant to incentivize victims to pursue legal action without financial concerns. Contact us now to learn how our unpaid wages lawyer can help.