Healthcare Practice Ordered to Pay $244K in Back Wages: Understanding Overtime and Hours Worked Laws

Summary: Making employees work off-the-clock, failing to record the full number of hours worked, and withholding overtime premiums are just a few of the violations one healthcare practice engaged in prior to a $244,000 settlement with workers. If you are a healthcare worker dealing with wage and hour violations from your employer, you have legal rights and may be owed compensation. Contact an unpaid overtime attorney today to find out more.


According to a recent investigation, dozens of healthcare workers employed by a Health Medical Group were unjustly deprived of full and fair wages. This healthcare practice engaged in a series of violations, including allowing some employees to work off the clock without paying compensation.

Healthcare professionals frequently face minimum wage and overtime violations, among other forms of wage theft. Anytime your employer fails to fully compensate you for your work, they may be engaging in illegal wage violations. Contact an experienced lawyer at our firm if you are a healthcare professional facing a potential overtime violation.

The Backstory of a $244K Settlement

An investigation determined that the Health Medical Group engaged in numerous Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) violations over the course of doing business. These included the following types of wage theft:

  • Failing to accurately record the number of hours its employees worked
  • Having employees report to work before their scheduled shift time and not paying them for the work completed
  • Having employees stay at work after their scheduled shift ended but not compensating them for the extra time
  • Neglecting to pay overtime premiums on annual non-discretionary bonuses for employees who worked more than 40 hours per week

The investigation resulted in a notable award of compensation for 49 workers at the medical group. This included over $244,000 in back wages as well as liquidated damages.

Overtime and Hours Worked Laws in the Healthcare Industry

Under the FLSA, healthcare workers who are nonexempt from overtime pay should receive overtime wages. While certain exemptions can apply to some healthcare workers in certain cases, many healthcare professionals are entitled to overtime pay.

Employees exempt from overtime pay usually fall into certain executive or administration roles. Nurses and other support staff are typically entitled to overtime compensation.

Healthcare workers frequently take on extended hours, and 12-hour shifts are common. The FLSA allows overtime calculations to begin after the employee exceeds eight hours in a single workday or 80 hours in a 14-day stretch of work under what is known as the eight and eighty exception, however there are requirements that an employer must follow in order to implement such.

Healthcare providers or hospitals may misclassify nurses and other nonexempt medical professionals as exempt under the learned professional exemption. However, qualifying individuals must meet several strict exemption requirements to be legally excluded from overtime pay.

An experienced attorney can provide clarity about overtime back pay and potential wage issues if you are a nurse or other healthcare worker who believes your rights have been violated.

A Dedicated Lawyer Can Help You Recover Overtime Back Pay

If your employer is preventing you from receiving overtime pay, forcing you to work off-the-clock, or otherwise not properly compensating you for work, you may have a viable wage theft claim. A proactive attorney can help you push back against an employer who has willfully taken advantage of your position and is trying to pay you less than you deserve.

We work on a contingency fee basis and will always put your best interests at the forefront while aggressively seeking all damages owed. If you have questions about a possible healthcare overtime pay violation, contact us via the intake form or chat to receive your free confidential review.

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It all starts with a free and confidential case review. A personal case manager will quickly identify if you have a valid claim. If they determine it’s valid, you can rest easy knowing that you won’t pay us a dime unless we recover compensation for you. Our contingency basis is meant to incentivize victims to pursue legal action without financial concerns. Contact us now to learn how our unpaid wages lawyer can help.