Is Wage Theft Denying You Your Hard-Earned Pay?

The numbers tabulated for the 2012-2013 year show a record high was reached in lawsuits filed for discrepancies regarding federal wages and hours worked. Employees across the nation are protected by the Fair Labor Standards Act, and when they are denied their hard-earned wages, a lawsuit is often the best and only option to recover unpaid overtime.

The rise in lawsuits can be attributed to many FLSA overtime factors. Whether it’s the success of former cases, the rise in public awareness or the number of industries impacted, the more than 7,000 cases filed last year prove that unfair wages impact employees all over the country.

Claims filed show that some employees are misclassified, some are working off-of-the-clock with no financial compensation and others are simply being short-changed when it comes to their overtime pay. No matter the cause, it’s important for employees to realize that their employers are held accountable under the Fair Labor Standards Act as a means to protect their finances.

While the suits are filed on behalf of workers in many fields, the following career paths are most known for issues with FLSA overtime:

  • Oil & Gas Jobs
  • Jobs that pay a Day-Rate
  • Inside Sales
  • Computer / IT / Tech Support
  • Medical / Healthcare
  • Construction Jobs
  • Service Techs and Installers
  • Independent Contractors

Jobs in the fields listed above tend to elicit more frequent overtime misclassification, short-changing of pay and off-the-clock hours of work. Employees currently suspicious of their wages should consider the policies – if any – that are put in place by their employer. Is off-the-clock work “unauthorized” and therefore unpaid? Is there an authorization system in place that makes it clear when authorized overtime work is being performed? Is software or another system in place that ensures accurate time records are kept and monitored to ensure proper pay is given?

These are just a few of the things that all workers should keep in mind. After that, it’s important to realize that many states have varying rules in regard to overtime. If you are unsure of particular regulations or believe you may be denied overtime pay, contact us to see if you should join the thousands of employees who have recently taken the initiative to collect the unpaid overtime wage they have earned and are entitled to.

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It all starts with a free and confidential case review. A personal case manager will quickly identify if you have a valid claim. If they determine it’s valid, you can rest easy knowing that you won’t pay us a dime unless we recover compensation for you. Our contingency basis is meant to incentivize victims to pursue legal action without financial concerns. Contact us now to learn how our unpaid wages lawyer can help.